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 in Turkey



1 Month up to 2 Years

Application is open 

Objectives, eligibility, and main topics of the program:

The Pulmonology Observership and Fellowship Programs are specialized training opportunities designed to provide medical professionals with in-depth education and practical experience in the field of pulmonology. These programs focus on enhancing participants' knowledge and skills in diagnosing, treating, and managing respiratory diseases and conditions. Participants have the exclusive opportunity to observe and learn from experienced pulmonologists, gaining invaluable insights into advanced diagnostic techniques, treatment modalities, and patient care in the field of respiratory medicine. Both of the programs contribute to the advancement of pulmonology by fostering expertise, innovation, and advancements in respiratory medicine. These training opportunities play a vital role in preparing medical professionals to excel in the field of pulmonology, enabling them to make a positive impact on patients' respiratory health and overall well-being. There are two distinct opportunities available to every health professional for further professional development and experiential learning under this program. 

Firstly, in the Observership Program, participants have the chance to observe various aspects of pulmonology practice, including patient evaluations, diagnostic tests, treatment procedures, and interactions with respiratory patients. The program aims to deepen participants' understanding of respiratory physiology, pulmonary diseases, and the management of various respiratory conditions. However, it's important to note that an observership program typically does not involve hands-on clinical practice.

Secondly, the Fellowship Program offers a more comprehensive and advanced training opportunity for individuals seeking specialized expertise in pulmonology. Fellows actively engage in patient care, perform diagnostic tests and procedures, manage a wide range of respiratory diseases, and gain expertise in specific areas of pulmonology, such as interventional pulmonology, sleep medicine, and critical care  under the supervision of experienced professionals. 


Immerse yourself in the world of respiratory medicine and take your expertise to new heights with these exclusive Pulmonology Observership and Fellowship Programs, where you'll have the rare opportunity to learn from distinguished pulmonologists, refine your diagnostic skills, and master cutting-edge treatments, making a lasting impact on patients' respiratory health and well-being!

Here's an overview of the content of the programs:

  • Respiratory Physiology and Pathophysiology

  • Diagnostic Techniques in Pulmonology

  • Asthma and Allergic Respiratory Diseases

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Management

  • Interstitial Lung Diseases

  • Sleep Medicine and Sleep Disorders

  • Pulmonary Infections and Tuberculosis

  • Pulmonary Hypertension and Vascular Diseases

  • Interventional Pulmonology Procedures

  • Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

  • Respiratory Critical Care and Mechanical Ventilation

  • Occupational and Environmental Lung Diseases

  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation

  • Pediatric Pulmonology

  • Lung Transplantation and Post-Transplant Care

  • Pulmonary Function Testing and Interpretation

  • Respiratory Support and Home Care

  • Smoking Cessation and Public Health Initiatives

  • Observation of Non-Invasive Ventilation (BIPAP, HHFNC), Application of Home Ventilation

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