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Training Program



 English - Turkish



 in Turkey



7 Days up to 1 Month

Application is open 

Objectives eligibility, and main topics of the program:

The objective of this is to provide extensive training and skills in vascular pathologies. The training program is open to every health professional interested to learn or have more skills and experience in the field of phlebology. Dive into the fascinating world of phlebology and revolutionize your career in vascular medicine with this comprehensive training program! Join us to gain expertise in the diagnosis and management of venous disorders, master the latest minimally invasive treatments, and become a leader in providing comprehensive care to patients with varicose veins and other venous conditions. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge, refine your skills, and make a lasting impact in the field of phlebology. Apply now and unlock the door to a rewarding journey of professional growth and patient-centered care.

Here are the contents of the program:

  • Anatomy and physiology of the venous system

  • Venous hypertension and possible complications

  • Pathophysiology of varicose veins and telangiectasias

  • Diagnostic techniques

  • CW Doppler competency

  • Principles of duplex ultrasound

  • Indications and contraindications of sclerotherapy

  • Sclerosing agents and their mechanism of action

  • Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of sclerosing agents

  • Adverse effects and complications of sclerotherapy

  • Techniques of sclerotherapy

  • Indications, contraindications and techniques of ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy

  • Indications, contraindications and techniques of endovenous sclerotherapy

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