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Required Documents

  • Cover Letter; explaining characteristics of the program they want to enroll, exact duration etc. You can see an example of a valid Cover Letter here.  

  • CV

  • Specialization Diploma (if available)

  • Passport

  • Photo 

  • Diploma of Graduation

  • If you are a medical student; Student Certificate and Transcript instead of Diploma of Graduation

easy application form for health training in turkey

1. Applicant fills the application form 

professional consultancy for heaşth training in turkey

2. Consultants contact the applicant and give a total price based on his/her application

required documents for health training in turkey

3. Applicant pays the application fee and send all the required documents

training process communication

4. Consultants set up the training process communicating with the applicant

acceptance letter for health training in turkey

5. Acceptance letter is sent to applicant within 60 days of the application fee

successful health training in turkey

6.Training takes place 

General Information About Application Process


Application fee is 10% of total training fee. 

We guarantee to send the Acceptance Letter within a maximum of 60 days after the application fee is paid. If we are unable to send the Acceptance Letter within 60 days, the application fee will be refunded. If the participant cannot attend the training after receiving the acceptance letter, the fee will not be refunded. 

Please note that accommodation, transfer and touristic tours are not included in the training fee. These services will be provided upon request.

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